📖Inclusion Revolution by Daisy Auger-Domínguez

Evelina Rimkute
Jul 18, 2022

📖Inclusion Revolution by Daisy Auger-Domínguez 💥💥🙌

💡There are books that we enjoy reading. There are books which are suggested to be read. And there are books like this one — which should be lived, studied, explored, faced and re-read as a management handbook.

👉 I have learned a lot how to notice microaggression that I both receive and, unfortunately, spread myself. I got new foundation how to speak about creating equal opportunities around. Each was is worth studying on its own. Each chapter could be candidate for…



Evelina Rimkute

Test manager, team lead, bookworm, writer and lifelong learner, traveler, passionate about new ideas and history. https://amzn.to/2YvxNEY or bit.ly/39GbErS